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How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles

Awaken-Aesthetics-Blog-Are your forehead wrinkles driving you nuts? Do you constantly slather anti-aging cream on your forehead, only to groan in frustration when you see more creases appearing?

If this struggle sounds all-too-familiar to you, then it’s time to discover the best treatment for forehead wrinkles at the Beaux Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery.

Botox at Beaux Arts

Located in Lanham, Maryland, Beaux Arts is the top destination for clients who are ready to look their best.  Owned and operated by esteemed board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Nia Banks, Beaux Arts is pleased to include Botox on its menu of anti-aging treatments.

When it comes to treating forehead wrinkles, very few treatments come close to matching Botox’s effectiveness.  Botox’s main ingredient is botulinum toxin, which acts to paralyze muscles in the treatment area.  Once the muscles have been treated, the surrounding skin tissue relaxes, which helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Botox is best for treating those pesky forehead wrinkles; additionally, Botox has been used to treat crow’s feet.  The FDA recently approved the use of Botox to treat excessive sweating, making this an ideal treatment for embarrassing cosmetic woes.

The number of Botox units you’ll need depends on the treatment area; however, most clients can expect to see their Botox treatments last for three to six months.  The procedure is straightforward and performed in-office within thirty minutes.  Dr. Banks can use a numbing cream to help with any discomfort during the procedure.

Side effects are extremely mild; some clients may encounter redness, slight swelling, and bruising at the injection site.  These side effects typically disappear after a few days.

Contact Beaux Arts Today

Don’t let your forehead wrinkles ruin your complexion.  Discover the anti-aging powers of Botox at the Beaux Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery in Lanham, Maryland.  Schedule your consultation with Dr. Banks today!

Beaux Arts also serves the greater Baltimore/Washington, DC areas. Call 301.880.7022 to learn more.