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Repair Summer Skin Damage in Washington, D.C.

PCA Skin Care Near Washington DCIt’s so easy to get carried away in the warm glory of summer. Days spent at the beach or pool, afternoon BBQs, even long walks around the neighborhood contribute to your UV ray intake. Sure, we all know by now that it is important to lather on the SPF every day, but no one is perfect. Even the most rigid sunscreen-appliers and hat-wearers can miss a beat, or could perhaps have a history of sun worshipping before they knew any better.

Fortunately, there are options for recovery. Just because you took in a little too much sun during those carefree summer months doesn’t mean you are doomed to live with the damage forever. At Beaux Arts, we have a few products that will go a long way to repair skin damage.

PCA Skin® Care Products

PCA Skin® Care was founded by an aesthetician and developed by a dermatologist. Their line of skin care products is award-winning, has been scientifically researched, and is used by trusted professionals nationwide. At PCA, they address each skin condition holistically and use high-quality ingredients to treat a wide variety of issues. Starting with chemical peels, and expanding to cover a wide swath of skin care products, PCA’s skin care line includes treatment options for all skin types, ethnicities, and conditions.

VI Peels®

VI Peels® are the perfect solution for someone who has seen a bit too much sun over the summer. They are known to improve skin imperfections on the face, chest, hands and other areas. These chemical peels are effective in treating acne, age spots, enlarged pores, wrinkles, scarring, sagging skin and melasma caused by sun damage. VI Peels® also stimulate your body’s natural collagen production, which helps to restore your youthful glow.

Regardless of how many long days you spent soaking up the sun, there are multiple options available to turn back the clock and rejuvenate your face. Whether you use PCA Skin® Care products, VI Peels®, or talk to Dr. Banks or our aesthetician about other skin care options, you will certainly be able to counteract much of the damage acquired over the summer.

Schedule a Skin Consultation Today

To find out more about how to repair summer skin damage, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Beaux Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery serves the Columbia, MD and Washington, D.C. areas.